Using the wind to move your boat is --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- easier than rowing, but there is --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- one small problem; you can --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- not sail straight into the wind. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Sailing upwind is similar to --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- driving a car up a mountain, --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- you have to zigzag your --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- boat to sail upwind. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- In sailing this zigzagging is --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- called tacking, because you --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- perform a series of tacks --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- (hairpin turns into the wind). --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- The ability to sail upwind quickly --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- is a sign of a good skipper, & most --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- sailboat races include an upwind leg.